The Karnataka Prevention of Slaughter and Preservation of Cattle (Transportation of Cattle) Rules 2021 has been issued by the Ministry of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries.
According to the rules, the Vehicle owners are required to obtain a permit from the online website for transporting cattle in a vehicle from one place to another according to the law.
This system has been developed so that the owners of cattle transport vehicles can obtain the permit required for the transportation of cattle under the Karnataka Prevention of Slaughter and Preservation of Cattle (Transportation of Cattle) Rules 2021 from their place with the help of online web technology.
1.Applicants should select "Animal Transport Permit" to apply for Cattle Transport Permit at website (keep ready while applying, any identity card with photograph of cattle, photos of cattle, Ear Tag number of cattle, RC & photo of vehicle used for transportation)
2. Enter the mobile number of the applicant, enter the OTP, the purpose of transport, the details of the transport vehicle, the details of the cattle owner, the details of the cattle, the route of transport, the place of destination and the name and address of the person should be mentioned in the application. (At the time of application, if your vehicle number is not in the selection list, add one-time vehicle details, RC copy and vehicle photo). Read More
Online Animal Transport Permit for the legal transportation of livestock. Integrated cloud based online system.